“Games for Justice was a 2-year virtual game studio for youth of color in the Greater Boston area to experiment with game development in an anti-racist, anti-capitalist, participatory setting.”

- Husain Rizvi

Games for Justice

Project Description

Husain Rizvi's "Games for Justice" project is a collaboration with The City School that aims to create an independent game development studio structure that centers economic democracy and transformative justice (rather than capitalism and oppressive mainstream game industry standards) by supporting young game designers of color in the Boston area to learn, collaborate, and create game projects that reflect and provoke action on different social justice issues.

Games for Justice presentation by Husain Rizvi to the Surdna Foundation national RIRJ cohort, September 2021.

Artist Bio

Husain Rizvi's (they/them) primary interests center around game design and development, creative writing, racial/queer/gender justice, community organizing, and exploring alternative economic models for game production. They believe that creating spaces for youth of color to be creative while being compensated allows for community care, healing, self-expression, self-reflection, personal development, and will fundamentally oppose the oppressive structures currently in place for art and game production. Husain is a third-year undergraduate at MIT studying Urban Studies and Planning and Comparative Media Studies, and is a 2017 graduate of The City School’s Summer Leadership Program

“My experiences with Games for Justice being in community with young people and staff and co-creating art made me fully understand the meaning of 'collective power', and how it should never be underestimated.”

- Husain Rizvi


Fabiola Méndez


Irischa Valentin